Compression demands ‘decompression’….

After a decade in practice I began to think ‘disc’ problems were not responding as I would hope they would. This concern is a major one since a vast majority of our most motivated and disconcerted patients are dealing with a disc hernia or other disc issue. I began to investigate the VAX-D and the concept of decompression and I was sold. Twenty year later I may have altered my level of skepticism toward ‘magic decompression machines’ but not toward the potency of traction-based therapies and the amazing “sell-ability” and relevance to patient retention.

A compression issue simply ‘demands’ a ‘decompression’ treatment solution. Intuitive and logical assessment never guarantees a great outcome but it sure is a lot easier to sell and relate than an ‘irrelevant’ procedure. IF a patient feels better lying down ‘decompression’ is NEVER an inappropriate treatment. That a patient already tends to understand this cannot be over emphasized. The ROF’s must make clear the interconnection and natural benefit decompression will create…BUT that it takes time, commitment and a multi-focal approach. It is in allied treatments where “sell-ability” and strong closing makes its’ mark. Our Kdt table features, “open” belt and pertinent classification are designed to focus patient-problems TO table-solutions.

Table vibration (supine), bolster-less leg/pelvic support & tilt, extension-at-the-waist (prone) and Laser DURING decompression are just such propositions. These attributes and treatment propositions are still very unique in the marketplace and allow excellent compelling clinical selling points.

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