Highlights of the 2015 Gallup/Palmer College study on Chiropractic’s perception
About 50% of all adults have been to a Chiropractor.
14% have been in the last year, 12% in last (5) years.
65% of adults (18-34) have never been to a Chiropractor.
50% of adults have a positive view of Chiropractic.
50% “agree” or “somewhat agree” that DC’s are effective at treating neck or back pain.
25% of adults “agree” or “strongly agree” chiropractic is dangerous.
47% who have not been to a Chiropractor see it as dangerous.
Among the 51% who have never been to a Chiropractor uncertainly of COST, number of VISITS and EDUCATION represent barriers to use.
46% seeing a DC in the last 5 year said they would utilize it more often if it weren’t so expensive.
43% of Americans believe Chiropractic care is too expensive.
44% believe it requires too many visits.
50% do not know if their insurance covers the care.
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